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The Importance of Five Star Reviews is Vital to Drive Business

Ok, so your website is completed and optimized properly for search, but you’re not seeing the website traffic and phone calls you expected. The problem might not be your website, but your Google ranking. In the past, getting ranked organically (without the use of ads) was the primary SEO goal. Nowadays, that’s just part of the equation.

More than ever, it is VITAL to have a Google My Business listing that places your business on a local map and shows your reviews rating (based on a 5-star system). Without it, you’ll likely just be another domain name in the wilderness of the interwebs.

Using Google My Business for your business or organization verifies to Google that your business is legitimate. Once you’ve been verified, the next step is getting as many 5-Star Reviews as possible. The better your rating, the better you’ll look compared to your competitors.

This came to light recently when we received a phone call saying “We called you because you were the only local company listed with a 5.0 rating.” Wow. That really shows the importance of Google’s review ratings!

In the past, getting 5-star reviews was a hassle. There was never an easy way to tell your customers how to quickly give you a great review… UNTIL NOW!

Radiant Design has implemented a fast and simple 5-Star Review system on our WordPress website. And we can do it for your WordPress site, too! It’s simply a link sent to your best customers.

Once at the link, they give their review. If it’s a 5-Star Review, they are then asked to click a button to post the review to Google. If they give anything LESS than a 5-Star Review, they are taken to a short form that asks how your business could have served them better.

Folks, it doesn’t get any easier than this:

Ready to start getting 5-star reviews for your business in Google? Radiant Design can help. Contact us today!


Copyright 2018 Tom Lempner and Radiant Design.

Radiant Design

Author Radiant Design

Tom Lempner is a website designer, website developer, graphic designer, audio engineer, musician, marketing expert and SEO professional based in Cincinnati, Ohio.

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Cincinnati, OH
Dayton, OH